PT Profit Podcast
PT Profit Podcast
How to Cultivate Authenticity and Heart-Centered Coaching with Penny Hounsome and Lisa Balsdon

How to Cultivate Authenticity and Heart-Centered Coaching with Penny Hounsome and Lisa Balsdon

In this episode, Penny Hounsome and Lisa Balsdon discuss their journey in the health and wellness industry and how they have evolved their coaching business over the years. They emphasize the importance of personal development and continuous growth as coaches. They also share their experiences as expatriates living in Costa Rica and how it has influenced their coaching and personal lives. They discuss the challenges their clients face and how they facilitate transformation by helping them overcome imposter syndrome and learn from their own experiences. They also highlight the importance of being honest with oneself and staying emotionally regulated as a coach. Overall, Penny and Lisa provide valuable insights into the coaching process and the impact it can have on both coaches and clients.

 You're going to love this one. If you give it a listen, tag us all on social @bsimpsonfitness, @pdhealthcoaching, @lisabalsdonliveinmotion


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About Today's Guests 

Lisa Balsdon

I was a competitive bodybuilder in my early to mid 20’s, which later on switched over to Adventure Racing that led me into a Career in Health & Fitness. 

At an early age team sports gave me a horrible negative image of myself and trashed my self-esteem and self-confidence which redirected my desire to compete by myself because I felt it was more fun! 

But with the consistent schedule of dieting to prepare, getting lean, and stage ready is where my body dysphoria kicked in damaging my own self-image.

For years my inner critic showed up in people pleasing, needing outward validation and a voice that felt trapped because I felt that I had sacrificed my own dreams and desires. My personal growth started about 10 years ago and I’ve been on my journey of transformation ever since.

With the aid of Coaches, many personal development books, journaling, and deep inner work I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to live the life I truly love and desire.

Penny Hounsome

I was a competitive athlete for most of my life that started with Ballet and Figure skating and ended with racing Olympic distance triathlons. My whole identity was wrapped up in what my body could do and my self worth was locked into how my body looked. 

Sports gave me many gifts but it was also a way to numb out the emotional pain of my childhood by focusing on outward success.

At a young age I learned to measure my worth with the size of my clothes and to “look the part” on the outside while hiding my trauma on the inside.

My inner critic developed into a loud, angry constant companion and it took many years of opening up, working on releasing & honouring my pain. I started my personal growth with the book, “What do happy people know” to heal my past trauma and I’ve been on a journey of transformation ever since.

Penny Hounsome

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PT Profit Podcast is where smart personal trainers, physical therapists, and fitness professionals discover how to increase their professional skills in human movement as well as turn their passion into profitable programs with magnetic messaging.